Luckily my acupuncturist has twins so she kindly lean't me some of her twin books! The first Double Trouble by Emma Mahony immediately grabbed my attention ( it started with a list of 10 great reasons to have twins! ) and I have just finished it so thought I'd post a little review.
Double Trouble is one of those great books that reads more like a novel than a guide book. Instead of long lists of do's and don'ts, detailed descriptions of what to do if you get various aches and complaints and what to expect at each months scan, Mahony's book is more a funny tale of her own experience of having twins and indeed being a twin herself. Much of the book is very humourous and frank and what it lacks in detail it makes up for in warmness and passion.
Mahony's chapters cover things like how to deal with nosy people who want to know if your twins are natural or ivf, the pro's and con's of various prams, hiring help after the birth, eating for 3, birth and breastfeeding and most importantly keeping your hubbie happy when you feel totally knackered!
The con's of the book are it's very London based and anyone who can't afford or doesn't want a personal maternity nurse might find it a bit offputting. Similarly Mahony is clearly an advocator of natural birth and pushes this option rather zealously which could alienate those mums to be who would prefer more intervention.
However the pro's are that it's warm, funny and her personal accounts of struggling with breastfeeding, sleep patterns and life after twins will give hope to pregnant mums in 'twin' shock everywhere!!
I'm not sure where you can buy Double Trouble in Spain but it is easily available on amazon, who are now offering free shipping to Spain ... so order away!!!
When I was pregnant with my daughter I read 'What to Expect While Expecting'. This is a long and very detailed book which basically tells you what to expect while expecting every month ... you can practically look up anything too and it will be covered in the book ... from discharge and dilation to painting your house while pregnant or looking after your pet.
The book is American, so expect some differences in medical care etc but 5 years on my issue of the book is still current and relevant and it's a good overall guide to pregnancy .... recommended!! I bought my copy in Bookworld Espana but again it can also be ordered via Amazon.
Just yesterday I was on a forum where the old baby guide book debate was raging as fiercly as ever!! It's amazing how animated mums can get when discussing Gina Ford V everyone else. My personal opinion is that what I read of Gina Ford ( The Contented Baby Book ) did seem very regimented and unnecessarily strict. When I had my daughter I went for an altogether more relaxed book called The Baby Book by Rachel Waddilove.
Rachel did advocate a four hourly feeding routine which is similar to Gina but she's much more relaxed about the rest of the time, the emphasis being on enjoying your baby while getting them into a good sleeping routine. Whereas Gina encourages mums to put their babies to sleep at the same time everyday in darkened rooms, Rachel's suggestion was that the baby slept all over the house in lightened rooms with the tv blaring, hoovering and daily household activity going on. This made more sense to me and mean't that my daughter quickly became used to sleeping in her pram, in the car, in shops, at other's houses etc ... this mean't we were not tied to the house at nap times and could be as flexible as we liked. And yes she slept through from about 3 months and was a very happy ( and contented ) baby.
I think you you should take advice from the books and then do what works for you. I never ever saw the point in waking my daughter at half 6 or 7 when she'd been up at 4 or 5 ( and so had I ! ) and so I never did. I let her sleep in the mornings till she woke up. This mean't she often woke at 10 and so happily did I! This didn't seem to interfere with her sleeping in the night even though the books said it was an absolute must to get your baby up by 7 and napping by 9. We missed all that!!!! I'm not saying this would work for everyone but it's an example of where I deviated from the books and found my own 'style'. But the books for me were a godsend when giving tips on feeding, weaning, bathing and even going out with a new baby.
Whatever book you choose you can be ensured the Baby Book debate will continue until your little one is preparing for their own children!
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