Currently my 4 year old sits in the back of the car in either her main car seat or a booster seat.
As I am now expecting twins I have to think ahead to how I'm suddenly going to go from one child, a buggy and a dog in the car to 3 children, a double buggy, and if possible a dog in the car!! The obvious awnser would be to get a bigger car but unfortunately for the time being that is not really an option!
I reckon that I could get two baby car seats in the back with my daughters booster seat in the middle but it's not idea. While my daughter will probably enjoy this at times, I can imagine that at other times the option of sitting in the middle of two screaming bundles won't be very attractive, so I started wondering if it's legal in Spain to sit a toddler in the front?
Luckily I have a friend whose husband is in the Spanish police so I asked them. After double checking he confirmed that it IS legal for a child to sit in the front so long as
* They are sitting in a proper ( ie not booster ) carseat which has been certified as going through the safety checks
* The airbag is turned OFF
Finding out what's legal or not is hard in Spain so I thought I'd share this bit of info. I don't particularly want my daughter sitting in the front all the time and it's not ideal either but at least we now know that it is a legal option. ( I can't imagine I'll be brave enough or energetic enough to go out with the 3 of them alone for a long time anyway!!! )
At least I have my trusty See Me Driving mirror which I am totally addicted too and which allows me to keep an eye on my daughter in the back. Don't forget stock a wide range of driving accessories for mums in Spain, including the See Me Mirror, Easy View driving mirror and another favourite of mine, the Stow n Go, absolutely essential when travelling with children and all their bits and bobs!
So problem solved, but not sure where the poor dog will go :(
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