Well, before you get to the pregnancy and baby stage you need to concieve first. Whilst I conceived very quickly first time round and had a text book pregnancy, I have since had a miscarriage and now find myself in a situation I never thought I'd be in ... with blocked tubes and told our only chances of having another baby is via IVF!
Dealing with infertility or secondary infertility in my case can be quite daunting. IVF is a big new world I though I'd never visit and yet at the same time it's quite exciting too....
While researching IVF I came across a website called ivfspain.com which is run by a fertility nurse called Ruth Pellow who was formally head of the egg donation programme at the centre for reproductive medicine at St Barts in London. Now she resides here in Spain and with her husband dedicates her time to helping British ( and Spanish ) couples who are seeking IVF treatment abroad ( in Spain or Greece ) ... everything from recommending and arranging clinic appointments to picking them up at the airport and arranging hotels.
Ruth is both incredibly knowledgable and incredibly helpful. She called me and patiently answered all my IVF and blocked tube questions, explained the differences between the long and short protocols and about some of the tests we needed to have done.
Sometimes it's just great to be able to talk things through with an expert who is not your doctor and who can offer advice and recommendations.
If you are in a similar position to me or are in the UK and thinking of coming to Spain for IVF then I'd highly recommend contacting Ruth for more advice ...
I'm sure I'll be posting here more about the trails of my IVF journey in Spain ..... so if this is something that has affected you then please do comment here if you'd like to share your experience ... I'd also love to hear from other people who have been through IVF in Spain and particularly any recommendations for either Ceram in Marbella or Clinica Fertia in Fuengirola.
If you'd prefer to email me privately please email samantha@indybel.com
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