Poor customer service drives me mad. I'm no retail expert but I do know that when a customer calls or emails or I meet one face to face that it's important to smile and be nice ... in fact it's a pleasure to do these things because it makes someone elses day and someone else is asking for your advice and opinion.
On Friday I wanted to buy some flowers for my mum so I went to a florist. I didn't particularly like any of the bouquets already made up so I selected several other bunches and asked the florist to make them into one bouquet. The florists face was as black as the sky at that moment ( we've had rubbish weather here on the Costa del Sol) ... really you wouldn't think I was a customer offering her business, money, and asking her to do her job ... no, I felt like an inconvienience! It's going to take me at least 10 minutes she snapped. Oh so sorry to trouble you , I thought. I had a cake in the oven and the clock was ticking so I decided to pop back home to take the cake out and then go back for the flowers. In the car I was fuming at the rudeness of the woman and was half inclined not to go back and find some flowers elsewhere, but I'm not that kind of person and felt that I couldn't be so rude as to do that. So I went back and the florist left her assistant to give me the bouquet which as actually incredibly nice. Just such a shame that her attitude didn't match ( the assistant by the way was lovely ) as I won't be getting anymore flowers from there again .... in case you are wondering it's a florist outside a well known supermarket in the Las Lagunas area ....
This morning I had to go to the bank to transfer some money. 'Good morning' I breezed to the unsmiling cashier .... no response okay ... so I asked her to check the amount in my account ... and got surly look for my troubles!
Really, what is the matter with people these days? Ok, the bank cashier could be having a bad day, she's not working for herself, she's just one of a large company and maybe she hates her job, but then again if she's taken a position working in the front line of customer service she should do her best to be nice to customers ....
The florist however has no excuse .... she runs her own business and if she wants to keep her customers she needs to be nice to them.
End of rant!
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