Well we finally got around to taking our little girl to see The Princess and the Frog ( in Spanish ) and she really enjoyed it. It is a little scarey for the little ones with a rather nasty villian in the shape of a voodoo magician and his very scarey shadow sidekicks, but my little one took it all in her stride and didn't seem to bothered at all. I think this is because before we went we bought and read the book quite a few times so she knew what to expect and there were no nasty surprises ... a good tip before taking little one's to the cinema.
She also loved the whole cinema experience .... 'wow it's just like a big TV!'
From an adult point of view I found Tiana y el Sapo quite refreshing for a Disney movie. There are no flouncy princesses wafting around looking for Mr 'Prince Charming' Right in this film. Oh no, our heroine is a feisty hard working would be restauranteur, who's main aim in life is to find a fulfilling career ... of course this is Disney though so she does find it in the end but with the help of true love too! The movie is darker than your average Disney movie ( Snow White excepting ) but really beautifully done with the forest scenes standing out in particular. I like the fact that in this film Disney have returned to their roots ... good old fashioned animation with no special fx's etc ... great songs and a lovely wedding at the end .... well what else would you expect!
8/10 !!!
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