Well at 3 years a bit, my little one has been potty trained during the day for nearly a year now and is a seasoned and expert toilet and potty user! We've continued to use nappies at night as quite frankly after going through daytime toilet training the last thing you feel like doing is the nighttime equivalent and anyway I reasoned that she wasn't ready yet as she still wakes up every morning with a full nappy ....
I'm a great believer in letting your toddler lead the way. I have friends who do everything by the baby book ... at xxx months your child must be doing this, that and a million other things and I've witnessed time and again harrassed parents trying to get their child to do what the book says as the time the book says it. Whilst I think these books work well as a guide for babies and young children, once your child hits toddler age and is vocal about their needs I think it's healthy to listen to what they want, when they want it too ....
We did this with formula. Rather than trying to wean my little girl off her beloved nightime bottle, I waited until she was ready and asked to try my 'big girl milk' instead ... the transision was instant and easy because it was what she and not I wanted ....
And so we decided to do the same with nighttime nappies, I decided that when she was ready she'd tell me and this weekend that time came! At only 3 I was quite surprised as I've read that often children are not really ready to stay dry all night until between 4 and 6, but we were prepared to give it a go ...
I must admit I was not expecting results. I thought I'd humour my little girl. Let her try without nappies and then when she wet the bed, explain that perhaps she was not ready yet. However she surprised me ... night one she got up twice and wee'd on the potty I left in her room and i had no need for the emergency sheet, pyjama bottoms and duvet cover I'd left ready for a quick middle of the night change!! Last night she didn't wee on the bed and didn't wee on the potty. Which just goes to show that when your child tells you they are ready, it really is so much easier than when you decide they are ready .... basically ... your child knows best!!!
We are only two nights in, and I know there will be wet beds, accidents and a bit of trauma along the way, but I'm immensly proud of my determined little one and will resolve to listen to her needs a lot more carefully in the future!!!
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