To recap, having conceived our daughter ( and a miscarriage ) naturally we are now just a year later faced with 'fertility' problems. It seems that my tubes have become miraculously blocked for no apparent reason and my husband has slightly 'lazy' swimmers! So together we are not doing a good job in the reproductive arena!
In the end we chose Clinica Fertia in Fuengirola over Ceram in Marbella. This was a very difficult decision and I feel like I should outline the reasons here for anyone who may be in a similar position to myself. I'm sure if this cycle ends in a BFN ( big fat negative - pregnancy test result ) we'll be thinking we should have gone with Ceram and maybe still will. While IVF does have a promisingly high success rate the chances of a BFP ( big fat positive ) in my age group are approx 50 - 60% so nothing is guarunteed, in fact far from it.
As someone on a wonderful IVF forum that I've become a frequent poster on commented, it would be amazing if IVF were a procedure with guarunteed success as it would make it easier and I have no doubts that in my daughters lifetime that may well happen ... for now though it continues to be a lottery ... with not too bad odds!
So why did we choose Clinic Fertia .... well mainly and this is important it's about 5 mins from our house. When doing IVF you have to visit the clinic frequently for scans, mini op's and tests ... Ceram is a good half an hour away and unfortunatly in a zone where parking is a nightmare. For simple logistical reasons CF won this point.
My tubes were actually diagnosed at Ceram and I received very good treatment there from the dr on my 3 consultations. I have to say the receptionist was not the friendliest woman I ever met in my life though .... nor someone you want to see when you are confronted with fertility problems. You want to see a nice smiley face. I went to Clinica Fertia where the receptionists were more friendly and the dr was also very nice and reassuring and most interestingly disagreed with the Ceram diagnosis that all was lost for my little tubes! I felt this was an interesting point. On the downside I have now had 3 appointments at Clinica Fertia and at every one have had to wait at least 30 minutes, even first thing in the morning ... Ceram were incrediably good at keeping their appointments on time ....
I googled the two clinics like mad and couldn't really find anything conclusive about either ... both had good and bad reviews on the net and both seemed to have good stats. In the end a friend of a friend said that she'd tried both and would def recommend Clinica Fertia over Ceram.
So in the end we chose ( not easily ) Clinica Fertia.
To be honest I don't know whether we made the right decision but it feels right at the moment. Having said that if it doesn't work at Clinica Fertia or the experience is not positive, I wouldn't hesitate in trying again at Ceram. I haven't heard anything particularly negative about Ceram, it was just that for this first try Clinica Fertia is more convienient ....
I hope this helps someone who finds themselves in the same situation as me ( although I also hope no one does ! )
Update 12 /01 /11
I am now delighted to say that I am nearly 12 weeks pregnant with twins following our second cycle at Clinica Fertia in Fuengirola. Despite some dodgy time keeping I have nothing but praise for this clinic who have guided us through two cycles and given us the amazing opportunity to have twins. I believe the clinic have always been honest and fair with us and worked creatively to improve our chances following a fairly disasterous first cycle. Many thanks Clinica Fertia!!!
This post is really helpful for the prospective mothers of Spain. This way they will get great help which will be really useful.
ReplyDeleteI had ivf treatment at both Clinica Fertia and Ceram both unsuccessful. I found both treatments were good in both clinics where they differed was in clinica fertia my ovaries were hyperstimulated and the she used ultrasound when she was placing my fertilised egg into the uterus, whereas the dr in ceram did not use ultrasound. The ultrasound I suppose makes it easier to see where the egg is going. This is the most important part of the treatment as the % rate for pregnancy drops here when the fertilised egg is put back.
ReplyDeleteThanks anonymous, I'm sure your comment will be very helpful to those seeking future ivf treatment in the Marbella / Fuengirola areas ... I wish you the very best of luck should you decide to continue with ivf in the future ...
ReplyDeleteWhat was your result? I live in spain and have gone through 2 cycles at ceram. They both came negative, the dr said my endrometrium regected the embryos. I have no idea why, and i feel i should have more testing. I am looking to go to fuengirola, and maybe barcelona. When the eggs were collected were you put to sleep. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine, thanks for your comment. My result was negative unfortunatly, but the clinic have had some suggestions as to why and I start my second cycle later this month with slightly higher meds. They did suggest tests that could be done should the result be negative again but in my case this was because they felt our embryo's were fragmenting in a way that could suggest genetic problems.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't alseep during EC but had the anasthetic where you can't feel anything .. the whole thing was very quick and painless. I am happy enough with the clinic so far, if you read the rest of my posts which are all under Fertility and IVF in the labels section you will get a much fuller idea of how it went with Clnica Fertia.
I'd really welcome any reviews from anyone who has had treatment at Ceram or any other fertility clinic in Spain as these posts get a lot of hits which would suggest there are many of us out there wondering where to get treatment in Spain.
Catherine, if you are considering going elsewhere in Spain, my friend recently had ivf at a clinic in Alicante and acheived a positive result. I can find out the name of the clinic for you if you are interested.
If you have any further questions feel free to post a comment or email me at if you'd rather ask in private.
ReplyDeleteMy partner and I are looking into IVF in Marbella. We have had quotes for Ceram and FIV in Marbella. Has anyone ever heard of FIV? I can find some info on Ceram(some good,some bad) but can't find much on FIV at all.We have also been told about Marbella High Care if anyone has been there.
Any info would be great.
Many thanks in advance