Well it's that time of year again when the little one's break up from school for ..... gulp ... TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!
As much as I'm looking forward to having my little girl at home with me for a while and not having to get up to take her to school, two months is a long long long time!
A lot of parents opt for summer schools and to be honest if I didn't have family out here for most of July and August I'd be thinking about this too. The truth is it's just too hot a lot of the time to be constantly outdoors and so little one's get bored after a while and thinking up daily acitivites can be really hard. It's especially difficult for working parents or those without the support of extended families to help ....
There are a couple of great sites for parents looking for activities for their children in Spain over the summer. If you are on the Costa del Sol check out my friend Aimee's site Kids in Marbella for little one's and babies in the marbella area. For the rest of Spain Mumabroad is a great site packed choc o bloc full of stuff to do .....
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