All about Pregnancy and Baby in Spain
We are two British mums living on the Costa del Sol in Spain. came about because we struggled to find the baby and pregnancy products that we wanted to buy for ourselves here in Spain. The Spanish shops are great... don't get us wrong, but we also realised that there were many other products on the International markets that we couldn't find in Spain.
So in 2008 we created indybel ( named after our inspring daughters India and Isabella ) to bring these pregnancy and baby products to Spain and hope that we can sit alongside the existing Spanish baby shops rather than competing with them.
Over the last few years we've grown and expended ( belly wise and site wise! ) We are delighted with the response to our site which proves that there is a demand for International and Innovative pregnancy and baby products in Spain. We now attend baby shows around the world, both to exhibit and buy, we have hosted a Maternity Fashion Show and are in the process of launching a catalogue and agent scheme.
We hope you enjoy our 'mama' site and this more lighthearted little baby site which is designed to complement our main shopping site. While the main site is dedicated to the serious business of online shopping, this site is dedicated to news, articles, comments, feedback and fun!
Sam and Lesley X