Acupuncture works to do a number of things in fertility for example stimulate follicle growth and aid implantation. Ideally your acupuncturist will discuss your individual case with you and work out a plan to maximise your fertility chances. They should also discuss things like general health, diet and lifestyle with you.
In my case my first ivf attempt had shown poor quality embryo's and the plan was to try to increase my egg count. So my acupunture was tailored around this. As well as this my acupuncturist worked on my general health which included a bit of a dodgy digestive system and my thyroid problems. Her aim was also to increase my energy levels, stop any blockages, work around my C Sec scar as this could block energy and also help me sleep better.
I wasn't too nervous about the acupuncture itself as once you've had ivf you become a pro at sticking needles into yourself anyway. Plus you'll do anything to help it work! But I know a lot of people are nervous about the prospect or find it a rather bizarre thing to do to your body!
The needles don't really hurt when they go in, occassionally I would feel a bit of pins and needles if a needle hit a nerve but on the whole it doesn't hurt. Once they are in place my acupuncturist would aid the blood flow by warming the area around the needles with something that is hot, smells nice and gives a very plesant sensation! After 20 mins or so the needles come out and you go home! My acupuncture sessions only last for half and hour. I usually feel mildly relaxed after but personally I feel the benefits later on ( better sleep, more energy etc ) whereas some people say they feel fantastic the moment they get up. Some say they go to sleep during the sessions. Depending on my mood I do find I often get a bit drowsy!
During the run up to my ivf treatment I had weekly sessions for around 2 - 3 months. The needles tended to be in my wrists, legs and toes and around the ovaries. The week of my egg collection and egg transfer and during implantation I had sessions tailored to my treatment and the needles were often put on my face in this period and rather disconcertingly my least favourite needle which is placed on the scalp. I've never liked this one!!! A couple of times I had needles in my ears too!!!
I won't pretend to know the in's and out's of acupunture but my ivf worked and worked splendidly! All my embryo's were top quality, I had more eggs, a troublesome cyst which threatened my cycle at the last minute disappeared after an acupuncture cycle and both my embyro's implanted meaning I am now carrying twins!!!!
Of course I can't claim acupunture is directly responsible for all this but I'd say it def had something to do with it.
I continued to have weekly acupuncture up to my 12 week scan. Due to past history I was scared of miscarrying so my acupunture treatment changed to help my body support the growing embyro's. At 12 weeks I did stop acupuncture but missed it so am now having monthly sessions during my pregnancy. Monthly sessions can help support the different stages of pregnancy and of course relax the mum to be. At the end you can have acupuncture to try to bring on a late labour or indeed encourage your body to hold onto baby for longer!!
I have to say my experience of acupunture has been an extremely positive one. If you are considering acupuncture for pregnancy or fertility treatment here are a few things to consider
* Make sure you choose an acupuncturist who is experienced in fertility, some have studied fertility acupuncture more than others ...
* Ask around for recommendations amongst friends
My acupuncturist is Rachel Cohen and she is avaliable in the Costa del Sol area. She charges around 40€ a session which seems to be around average.
Good Luck!!
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