I remember when my daughter was born and I used to spend endless days pushing her around in her pram, how surprised I was to find that the streets in Spain are just not wheel friendly! It wasn't just the cobbly streets and high pavements that were really hard work to negociate but also I couldn't believe just how many shops and offices were up huge flights of stairs, could only be accessed with teeny tiny lifts or had narrow doors and jaggedy paving outside. This included quite modern institutions like banks, supermarkets and carparks ... so all in all getting around with a pram in Spain is not that easy!
So it was with pleasure that I read last week that Fuengirola Town Hall is aiming to make life easier for people using wheels ... and that's not just parents of course, but trolley and wheelchair users too, by putting into action a plan to eliminate architectural barriers! Apparently 164 trouble spots will be removed and replaced with ramp access ...
Good news for all us mums and wheel users in Spain! Hopefully other towns and cities will follow suit soon.
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