Luckily Bella's birthday is not until the end of November so I'm not going to worry about it yet, but I was pleased to see that one of the other mums at the nursery ( and a friend! ) has started her o
wn cake business ...

Vanessa offers such cakey wonders as a princess castle, teddy bear, butterfly, trains, numbers, favourite characters and a selection of cupcakes. You can choose chocolate, lemon or cream sponge and there are even special chocolate only creations on offer such as giant chocolate buttons ( ok, I know this is what Bella would pick! ) and chocolate animals and insects.
Bella was recently invited to Vanessa's daughters birthday, so I have had the pleasure of tasting most of the above first hand and can honestly say it was all delicious and looked fantastic!
To find out more about Vanessa's cakes call
677493280 or 951103407
or email Vanessa@oliverbar.es
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