Now that bikini weather is here I know many mums ( myself included ) who are trying to lose those extra few pounds or more that have stuck since having a baby. Yet while we all want to look great it's important not to rush and to take your time losing the baby weight, especially if you have only recently had a baby and are still breast feeding. You need to nurture your body and lose weight gradually. Unfortunatly celebs such as Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman with their have baby, be back in jeans in 3 weeks attitudes don't help. What us normal mums have to remember is that these celebrity mums aren't normal. They have nannies who look after their babies while they head off to the gym and they starve themselves to get back in shape rather than focusing on the nutritional needs of their body and their new baby. I think I'd rather have those special moments with my baby and a few extra pounds than the stress to lose weight that celeb mums must feel!
An article in today's Daily Mail / Femail ( reports on losing weight after having a baby ...
Mothers urged to take a year to lose their excess baby weight to help their child
New mothers should take up to a year to gradually lose the weight they put on in pregnancy, doctors say.
Rather than trying to copy celebrities who appear to snap back into shape just weeks after giving birth, they should shed the extra pounds slowly for the benefit of both the baby and themselves.
And eating sensibly is more effective than punishing exercise regimes, the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care said.
'Having a new baby is a major change in lifestyle,' its guidelines said.
'One of the reasons that pregnancy weight can be difficult to lose, or can lead to lifelong weight problems, is that a woman changes her eating and exercise habits. 'After childbirth, weight loss is complicated by the extra stresses the mother is facing, and her need to provide nutrition for her baby if she is breastfeeding.
'Women are exposed to many unrealistic images of female body size, and body size around pregnancy or after birth is no exception.
'That makes it difficult for many women to be satisfied with their figures, and it can damage their self-image and enjoyment of their body. You do not have to be move- star thin to be happy, healthy and have a healthy baby.'
Don't forget that for us mums lucky enough to live in Spain, there are some great ways to lose weight HEALTHILY!
* Take a stroll along the paseo or beach with your baby ... early mornings or late evenings are best in this heat, and a quick paced stroll can do wonders for your thighs!
* Enjoy the Spanish diet of fresh fish, meat, salads, olive oil and vegetables ...
* There are many mother and baby exercise classes, such as baby yoga and swimming ... great ways to bond with your baby and lose weight at the same time!
* Drink lots of water ... easy in this heat and important, as keeping hydrated stops water retention
* Don't forget that sex is also a great form of exercise and a great way to make sure your partner isn't feeling left out with all the attention focused on the new baby!
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