"Hi, I'm 5 months pregnant and just starting to grow out of my normal clothes. I don't see a lot of point in buying expensive maternity clothes when I can just buy cheap T shirts and leggings in larger sizes ... I love some of the maternity clothes on your website, but do you really think it's worth buying maternity clothes? "
K. Johnston Alicante
Hi there K ... thanks for your email.
K. Johnston Alicante
Hi there K ... thanks for your email.
Well ...maternity clothing is very much a matter of choice and yes it's true you can get away with buying cheaper clothing in bigger and bigger sizes which is actually what I did during my pregnancy. However what I did find was that these cheaper tops were pretty poor quality and didn't last very long, nor was their length long enough to cover my bump properly. While it worked ok for tops, it's also difficult and more pricey to buy bigger and bigger bottoms. We don't necesarily believe you need a whole new maternity wardrobe, but a few staple items do make the world difference, especially if you need smartish clothes for work.

Don't forget, maternity clothes are not just about supporting your bump, they can also make mum to be feel great, glam and stylish, especially on those 'bad bump days'! A good maternity swimsuit for example will make you feel sleek and toned and show your bump off proudly, whereas the non maternity version might make your pregnancy body feel bulky and flabby.
A few staple items might include a nice pair of maternity jeans, a nice top, a skirt and a dress that can be either dressed up or down. If you work you may need a pair of nice black trousers or another skirt. You can then add items as and when you need them and dress your wardrobe up with non maternity items, such as long scarves and belts to hide or show off your bump!
A good friend of ours who is pregnant with number 2 recently commented that she didn't buy any maternity clothes first time round but did invest in several of our Seraphine items second time round. She said that rather than spending more money she saved money as the good quality maternity items took her through the nine months and will take her beyond, and they make her feel and look great. It actually worked out cheaper and easier than spending a fortune on different sized normal clothes and having to restock every month as she put more weight on.
We did find the maternity wear in Spain fairly uninspiring during our pregnancies which is why we now stock the gorgeous, affordable, stylish and high quality Seraphine and JoJo Maman Bebe ranges.
Best of luck with the rest of your preganancy and let us know how you get on ...
indybel x
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