I know I've harped on about my ivf journey on here enough, so thought I really should post the result just in case anyone out there was wondering .... well sadly it was a bfn ... big fat negative!
The 2ww is horrendous, symptom spotting aside I was a nervous wreck! I started spotting at 9 dpt ( days past transfer ) and although I was told this could be nothing it had turned into a full period by 14 dpt ...otd! ( official test day)
Ever hopeful I still went for my bloodtest. The clinic had told me they'd ring me later that day with the results ( a Saturday ). Unfortunatly they didn't and I had to ring them on Monday! I already knew by then anyway but I have to say I wasn't impressed by the aftercare! The receptionist practically admitted on the Monday that they'd forgotten to ring me on the Saturday!
So onwards and upwards. We fully intend to try again and this time I'm going to have acupuncture which is supposed to really help. If nothing else I need something to relax me during the 2ww! I won't lie, the aftermath of an ivf is awful, having come so close you feel like you are miscarrying and have to take time to grieve for the loss. Now a month later I am coming to terms with it but still feel upset when I think about whether it's ever going to happen for us again.
Hopefully we can try again Oct / Nov ... so more ivf stories then!
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