Well, it's all happened rather quickly for me!
I went along to my second stims scan on Wednesday the dr told me my follicles were ready! By this she mean't they'd grown to the right size for collection. Hurrah that means that I only had to do a week of injections! I had to do one more shot that night .. it's called a trigger shot and is basically a special injection you have to take exactly 36 hours before Egg Collection. I think it matures the eggs ready for ovulation. So I did my last shot on Wednesday night at half past twelve and then spent a relaxing Thursday with no injections and nothing to do except eat a lot of protein and drink a lot of water!!!
Friday was actually a holiday here in Fuengirola but IVF clinic's don't have the luxury of holidays or weekends as they are ruled by our eggs and so they opened especially for me on Friday! I think actually in hindsight having EC on a holiday was great as we were the only people there and so had the undivided attention of the clinic and no queues or difficulty parking!! I also felt quite special as an anaethiatist, the biologist and the dr had come in especially to collect my eggs ....
The actual procedure was very very quick. I thought I'd be put to sleep but I was only sedated. I was chatting away ( in a drowsy way ) to the dr's who kept telling me I should try to be quiet and could feel a bit of prodding down below ... I thought they were just getting everything ready but then they told me it was all finished! Our appointment had been at 10.30, they started around 10.50 and I was in recovery by 11.15. I had to stay for a while so they could monitor me while the sedation wore off and my husband had to go and do his thing with a plastic beaker. He informed me after that there were some seriously hardcore magazines in his little room!
By half twelve we were allowed to go home. The biologist ( a man named Luis ) was lovely. He informed me they'd got 8 eggs and told us a bit about the procedure for fertilising them. He was there throughout the morning and was really supportive, warm and friendly. I am so glad he's going to be looking after my little eggs on their fertilisation journey!
I thought the whole team at Clinica Fertia during my egg collection were great .... they were warm, friendly and caring but also professional. I was very happy with the way the egg collection went and felt I'd been looked after well.
I was told to go home and rest and take progesterone capsules three times a day ( down below not by mouth! ) I was feeling really groggy from the anasthetic still and Luis told me to take it really easy for the rest of the day, although I should be feeling much better by tommorrow.
I took him at his word, went home and slept for two hours and then parked myself on the sofa with Sky + for the rest of the day! I spent a lot of the afternoon chatting with the girls on the IVF forum who were so supportive, one of them had been through egg collection at the same time as me. That sort of support is so important ....
I slept well on Friday and woke up feeling fine on Saturday although absolutely petrifed about how many of my egg's had fertilised. Waiting for the call was worse than waiting for a call to say you've got a job or to see if an offer has been accepted on a house ... it was horrible. Luis rang dead on 11 to say that 4 of my 8 eggs had fertilised .... hurrah we have embryo's!!!!!!! Egg transfer is scheduled for Monday, I just hope my four lovely egg's make it till then ..... stay strong egg's and keep dividing!!!!!
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