I have since found out that real life is not like the movies. My daughter, now 3, has never liked having her hair brushed. She also doesn't like having her hair washed, dried or in fact touched. This is a bit of a shame as she has ( like me ) naturally curly and rather unruly hair .... the type that is prone to looking messy and windswept, even if you've actually done nothing but sit in front of the TV. On lazy days I'm content not to go through the 3 hour fight to brush her hair, but even one day of not brushing means ( due to her hair type ) endless tangles and even matting.
Last summer we discovered a miracle ... the Tangle Teezer. You may remember this from Dragon's Den. It's a detangling hairbrush ... it doesn't actually look like it does much, but one run through even the most tangled hair and you really notice the difference. It's a great invention. We bought a bright pink one and although my daughter still doesn't like it much, on the occassions when I can get it through her hair it really makes a difference.
I was listening to the radio the other day and the interviewer happened to be interviewing the guy who invented the Tangle Teezer. I was intrigued to hear him say he'd invented a special Tangle Teezer for little girls, one that they'd love using .... ( suddenly this seems like the most obvious invention in the world, can't believe I didn't do it myself! ) and so was just browsing his site to look at it. It's called Magic Flowerpot and looks really sweet. I'm thinking I might make the £12.99 ( plus postage to Spain! ) investment .... but only if my daughter promises faithfully to brush her hair by herself or let me brush her hair and then we can all live happily ever after ....
Hmmm .... maybe real life's not like that either!
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