My sister recently became a new mum and is coming over to Spain soon to visit us for 5 weeks with her ( then ) 8 week old son! As excited as we all are about this impending visit, I am starting to feel like it's becoming quite a lot of work! Once you've had a baby, got through the first year and then into the second, you forget a lot about the worries new mums have. Once your child has eaten from the floor, drank their bath water ( complete with wee wee ) eaten their own poo and slept in dirty sheets you don't panic as much as you did in the early days about every tiny thing they may or may not come into contact with.
Of course I was Panic Queen ... It was a joke amongst my friends that I had to ween myself off sterilising after Bella turned one, and she only touched or went near brand new things ... of course with a second I wouldn't be half as fussed.
But my sister is a new mother and so has issued me with the following list of things to prepare for her visit in 2 weeks time.
1. Buy a natural non toxic washing powder ( luckily stock Bio D for just this reason so I skiped that one! )
2. Wash my baby gym and all possible toys that her baby may play with or touch
3. Find and wash my 0-6 month Grobags
4. Buy citric acid ( impossible I've discovered ) and clean and de scale my sterilizer
5. Find, wash and clean my baby bouncing chair
6. Find my old travel system and thoroughly clean
7. Go to my parents appartment, clean the travel cot and source a new mattress
8. Source and buy a new mattress for the pram
9. Buy sheets for all the above appliances
10. Buy a mozzie net
11. Wash my baby towels
12. Stock up on size 2 nappies
13. Find, clean and put batteries in the old cot mobile
14. Buy a box of Apatmil 1 ... just in case!
15. Supply of batteries ... just in case ... in case of what I wonder? Her leg's break down!
I'm just wondering if there is anything else she'd like me to do ... perhaps go to England and personally escort the baby to Spain or arrange sanitization of the beach and a secured shaded area for the duration of her visit, or wash the dog ... actually probably should wash the dog ...
Ha ha ... I'm only joking ... it is of course a pleasure ( although a difficult one with a toddler on school holidays in tow ) to do all these things for my sister, but it does make me realise how much first time mums and seasonal mums differ in their attitudes, but more how much we are also so similar ... Well as you can see no time for blogging today, so better get on!
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