As with all things in Spain nothing was simple and after several rather stressful visits to the hospital my D&C was arranged. The day before the operation the hospital gave me some tablets to take during the night, they would begin the dilation process therefore making the procedure easier and less painful. When I got home that afternoon it occured to me that I had never heard of taking tablets before a D&C and so of course I did the worse thing possible and googled the tablets!!! I was confronted with a number of horror stories about these tablets, their side effects and what may happen to me during the night if I took them! I have to say that this was not the best afternoon for me to be reading these kind of stories and as you can imagine being in a rather fragile state emotionally anyway, I was beginning to get seriously stressed!!
I realised that I did not have to take these tablets, that the procedure could be done anyway, but in my fragile emotional state after several days of waiting was worried that if I didn't take them the hospital might refuse to do the op. I tried phoning the hospital but the 'helpful' receptionist ( not! ) wouldn't put me through to anyone and told me that in her 'medical opinion' I should take the tablets. My own gynocologist was unavaliable and so in desperation I decided to ring Dr Berral.
Dr Berral is a British trained Gynaecologist and Obstretrician who I had visited twice at his private clinic in Marbella. The first time for a 4D scan during my first pregnancy and the second time when I was having some gynaecological problems last year. Both times I found Dr Berral very helpful, professional and kind. I was still worried about calling though as with regards to the miscarriage I wasn't his patient and it was late at night by this stage.
When I called however Dr Berral couldn't have been more patient, helpful or kind. He talked me through why the tablets were given to me, what would happen if I took them, he reasurred me that if I didn't take them it shoudn't make any difference and spent a good ten minutes or so calming me down and making me feel better about it all. Just after I spoke to him my gynaecologist ( who I had left about 15 messages for ! ) rang back and also reassured me as to what would happen. Having spoken to both these doctors I felt much better and did take the tablets ( but naughily a lower dose than I was supposed too .... the next day at the hosptial they didn't even mention them!!!! Typical! ).
I am immensly grateful to Dr Berral for taking the time to take my call, it's really nice to know that there are dr's out there who are happy to help and can give impartial and realistic advice.
If you are looking for a gynaecologist or obstetrician in Marbella then here is some more info about Dr Berral
Dr Berral is a British trained consultant, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician based in central Marbella. He offers a range of women's services including a well women clinic, pregnancy support and private deliveries. The specialised ante-natal care includes blood testing on site, 3D/4D ultrasounds and advice on all aspects of the health of mother and baby. Antenatal classes are also avaliable along with help on making a birth plan and arranging a private delivery if you wish.
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