Now I was never obsessive about my car prior to having my daughter, but it was a nice peaceful driving haven, where I could listen to my CD's, enjoy my little journey's too and fro, occassionally with a drink or snack. When it came to cleaning it was always the outside that was dirty, occassionally I'd take a few things home that had taken up occupation on the front seat, but I barely registered the backseat was even there, and the boot was a nice tidy space for the dog and shopping bags.
Nowadays with a 23 month old accompanying me on every journey it's a different story. For some reason my car and particularly the back seat area seems permanently litered with crumbs, crisps, biscuits, cereals and even chips. It doesn't matter how often I clean them all out, more seem to appear the next day... they hide in the little spaces between the car seat and car and then taunt me by appearing every now and again!
Food aside, there is also now a constant stream of soft toys, books and jangily things taking up residence in my car. The windows are covered with sunshades and fun sticky on things and instead of listening to 'mummy's music' or 'mummy's radio' I am constantly instructed to play 'nursery rhymes' and believe me when you've listened to 'If you're happy and you know it' for your 55th car journey in a row, you are anything but!
As for the boot, the poor dog now shares his space with a pushchair, various pushchair accessories, rain and sun baby options, such as unbrella's, covers, blankets and mosquito nets ... you never know when you'll be caught out, and occasionally he has the shopping shoved in around him too ...
So it was with particular delight this week that I finally received the lastest Indybel goodies .... driving accessories!!
Since launching in August, we've been waiting quite a while for these auto accessories to appear in our shop. We've had our eye on them right since the beginning but they have been out of stoc

Since then it's been a permanent fixture in my car and is one of those gadget's that I've got so used to, I can't imagine life without it anymore, nor how I managed before buying it. Of course it's an important safety product too, as before I was turning around to face the back seat every few minutes, just to check Bella was ok, now all it takes is a quick glance in my mirror, so at Indybel we are delighted to finally be able to offer two driving mirrors to our customers in Spain. One for viewing forward facing babies and toddlers and one for viewing rear facing babies and toddlers ... particularly useful for those first few months. Both retail for very reasonable prices and are pretty much essential items.

Then there is the Stow n Go ... a fab product which is finally going to allow me to keep my car tidy! Hurrah! This is a back seat organiser and I can finally organise my car, putting all of Bella's drinks, snacks, books and toys into the various pockets. I have a feeling she is going to love this as it will also give her something to look at and study other than the back of my head! And of course older children can reach in and organise their stuff themselves.
Also in this fab out and about collection are comfy strap covers for irritating seat belt of pushchair straps, a great pushchair pouch for storing keys, phone and drinks etc ... and a security harness or reigns ... another product difficult to find here in Spain.
You can find all these fantastic baby and toddler driving, car and auto accessories at our Mums Essential store in the Out and About section at
So, if like you me, you are attempting to restore some tranquility back to your car ... go take a look! now stock baby and toddler driving mirrors, seat belt covers, seat storage and reigns.... all available in Spain from
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