Well, as Indybel started to stock the Trunki towards the end of last year, it seemed only right that I put my money where my mouth is and invest in one as we were off to the UK for New Year. My daughter chose Harley the red Trunki and so began our Trunki adventure ...
The first great thing I found about using a Trunki is that it's fun for toddlers to pack. My toddler anyway had great fun packing all her favourite toys into her Trunki the night before departure, and then I had less fun unpacking them all and repacking more sensible one's ... still it got her into the spirit of the journey and there is also a huge amount of room in the Trunki's ... I got a load of toys and travel games in, along with favourite dolly and favourite teddy and a number of travel items such as spare knickers, spare clothes, extra layers, sandwiches and so on ....
When we arrived at Malaga airport the next morning my daughter proudly insisted on pulling her own suitcase and as a retailer I was amazed by how many people were pointing the Trunki out to one and other and how many children were eying it up too! My husband was busy telling everyone 'we sell it you know!' ...

Post check in, we said goodbye to my hubbie who was staying in Spain and as a lone parent on a long journey with a toddler the Trunki suddenly came into it's own. Firstly my little one loved pulling it and wouldn't let me pull it for her, which was a great relief as I still had memories of our last journey when I was carrying both my and her bags and toddler too! So now she had something to focus on. When she eventually did get bored of pulling as we were about to start the walk to the gate and onto the plane, she decided to rideon the Trunki instead. Again as a parent this was great, I was able to pull her along without taking the weight of either her or her luggage. More importantly she had great fun all the way to the plane and didn't get bored while we were waiting in the queues and standing around in the cold.
Once on the plane, I was pleased to find our Trunki fitted perfectly under the seat and once we were up in the air my daughter was able to open it up and spent a happy two hours with all her toys.
Our journey home again was pretty much the same!
So, a slightly biased but also genuine assesment ....
Is it worth it .... ABSOLUTELY
Will I be taking it on my next journey .... OH YES!
Marks out of 10 .... A DEFINITE TRUNKI TEN OUT OF TEN ....