Imse Vimse Natural Nappies
(also known as real nappies, washable nappies, reusable nappies )
Sold in Spain at http://www.indybel.com/
From the beginning Lesley was passionate about selling natural nappies at Indybel.
Personally I could take or leave natural nappies. Call them what you like, reusable nappies, natural nappies, recyclable nappies, washable nappies, real nappies ... it all sounded like a lot of uneccesary work to me, and I had vague memories of seeing 1970's mothers on TV washing a lot of nappies in buckets and hanging them out to dry!
Once we started to research the natural nappies avaliable on today's market though, I have to say that I have had my eyes well and truely opened! These nappies aren't hard work, they are hygenic, easy to wash and compact. They don't come with dangerous pin's and waterproof sacks, they are comfy and cosy and all in one and usually fasten with buttons or velcro. They are washed in their own little net and look fab. So it seem's I am a natural nappy convert and yes when I do have another baby in Spain I will be using natural or washable or reusable nappies!
We reaserched a lot of brands and eventually decided on Imse Vimse which are a really great and comfortable nappy. We are selling these in Spain with flushable wipes and biodegradable liners.
And I have to say that it's not just about how they look or feel for your baby. Using washable nappies can save you a lot of money. Yes there is an inital outlay and it's pretty big, but bear in mind you won't be buying packets of disposables every week ... so if you tot up what you might spend on disposables over a 2 or 3 year period, you will be rather suprised to find that natural nappies are a much more viable and economic alternative. Plus of course you will be helping to reduce your familes carbon footprint.
But I'm not the expert, so here's a great article Lesley wrote about natural nappies for our site, http://www.indybel.com/
Real Nappies
Generally babies need nappies for the first two and a half years of their life therefore, the average baby uses 4.16 nappies per day or 3,796 nappies per baby for two and a half years. This equates to 8 million nappies each day in the UK alone being disposed of in landfill sites! As you can see the scale of the nappy problem is a huge one as environmentalists estimate that it takes between 200-500 years for a disposable nappy to decompose. The toxicity from the mix of chemicals used in producing disposable nappies is a hazard with harmful consequences both to humans and the environment.
Many parents these days are considering using real nappies often alongside disposables. Both have benefits and often a combination of the two makes for a happier mother, baby and planet. Remember the days of safety pins are long gone!
How to choose which nappy system is best for you
Flat nappies are rectangular pieces of cotton folded different ways for either a boy or a girl. Generally this is the traditional style nappy and less common.
Shaped Nappies are ready prefolded and often come in one size from birth to potty and can be adjusted to accommodate the babies size and weight. Normally fastened with Velcro or poppers and can be kept in place with an outer wrap.
All-In-Ones are shaped nappies with a waterproof outer wrap already attatched, you only need insert a throwaway liner. The lifespan of this type of nappy is shorter as you have to wash the whole thing and they do take longer to dry.
Wraps-terries, shaped nappies and prefolds are made from absorbent cotton but they all need a waterproof layer. They come in a variety of organic cotton, regular cotton, bamboo and are waterproof and breathable. It is possible to buy less wraps than nappies as they only need to be washed once soiled.
Do I need anything else?
Liners take liquid away fro

A bucket with a lid is a useful buy for storing the used nappies. We suggest you place a laundry bag inside this as this can be transferred to the washing machine with the nappies inside.
Of course washing powder is required as is a sanitizer as this reduces the need for boil washing or soaking. A few drops of essential oil of tee tree helps to prevent any odours.
How many do I need?
This depends on how often you want to wash but generally a minimum of 12 nappies and three wraps is recommended if you are combining with disposables although up to 20 is best if only using real. Perhaps in the early days it may be worth having a couple of extra wraps.
Are They Convenient?
Real nappies are a lot easier to use than you think. The internet is a great place for any further information if you are at all uncertain of the benefits of using reusables. Realistically, often when out and about it’s not always easy to carry around used nappies. Perhaps it’s worth checking if your little one is in nursery if the centre is happy to use real nappies in which case it may be worth considering a combination of the two both disposables and reusables. At the end of the day it really is whatever works best for you with reusables greatly reducing landfill rubbish therefore saving you money and saving the planet!
The Real v Diposables Debate
There are some further ways to reduce the environmental impact of using increased water and electricity by using reusable nappies. These include:
Using an A rated (energy efficient) washing machine
Washing at a lower temperature
Air drying instead of tumble drying
Use an ecological detergent
Use organic products, produce in a more beneficial way to the environment
Reuse nappies with another baby, or swap/sell them